Search Engine Optimization - 1st Page Ranking in search engines is critical for organic-traffic success.
Like if you use something other then Google as your #1 #searchengine.
Most people don't go past page #1 of #searchresults. The 9th & 10th position on a Google page nets you less then 2% of the clicks. Being in the top 10 is critical. Being in the top 3 is ideal. Being #1 is optimal.
This makes #seo extremely important. If you can't rank your page for a keyword relative to your business, your competition will get all those clicks.
Over 60% of traffic is generated organically. Only 6% of traffic is from paid ads.
organictraffic is essential to maximize your profits and see your full potential.
Good SEO requires effective copy, onpage optimization, backlinks, citations and a whole lot more. These are all things you can definitely learn yourself, it will just take some time and trial and error. We plan to have free articles and tips and tricks to help you on your journey of SEO supremacy!
We just released our Website to the Internet for the first time 2.5 weeks ago. The average someone has ranked a new website for a 1st page ranking on Google, is 6-12 months. This is likely due to their algorithym and specific policies to hold brand new websites back from immediately showing in searches.
Bing, Yandex, Yahoo and Duck Duck Go all seem to update their rankings immediately. Which is nice.
We have not implemented our full SEO strategy or campaign yet. There are numerous things we still have to do and achieve, such as better and more backlinks, social media campaign, articles and more. We are still waiting on Google to let us free and release us to the wild of search engine results pages.
Even with these shortcomings we are ranking #1 position on multiple search engines for 3+ keywords. (still searching keywords for rankings)
So #victoriawebsitedesign is ranking 1st page on Bing, Yandex, Yahoo and Duck Duck Go for various keywords. We have 3+ #1 position rankings within 2.5 weeks.
How did we achieve this?
The only way this is possible is through 100% white-hat tactics and great on-page SEO tactics and effective copy.
As we build our website with free quality content and start our steady consistent social media campaign and tie in more backlinks, we should be able to achieve a very good organic keyword search engine presence. This will bring us free traffic.
freetraffic, organictraffic, searchengineoptimization, bing, yahoo, yandex, duckduckgo, google, websitedesign
Check Victoria Website Design to see our SEO work in action and what it takes to quickly rank a keyword #1 on Bing, Yahoo, Yandex & Duck Duck Go.
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